- rust pustule
- телейтопустула (спороношение ржавчинного гриба)
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Stem rust — Puccinia graminis Scientific classification Kingdom: Fungi Phylum … Wikipedia
plant disease — ▪ plant pathology Introduction an impairment of the normal state of a plant that interrupts or modifies its vital functions. All species of plants, wild and cultivated alike, are subject to disease. Although each species is… … Universalium
Glossary of phytopathology — This is a glossary of some of the terms used in phytopathology.Phytopathology is the study of plant diseases. It is a multi disciplinary since prerequisites for disease development are the presence of a susceptible host species, a pathogen and… … Wikipedia
Signs of pathogen presence in diseased plants — ▪ Table Signs of pathogen presence in diseased plants* sign description examples acervulus a shallow, saucer shaped fungal structure that bears asexual spores (conidia); it is usually formed below the cuticle or epidermis of leaves, stems, and… … Universalium
canker — Synonyms and related words: abscess, adulterate, alloy, aposteme, bed sore, blain, blast, bleb, blight, blister, boil, break up, bubo, bulla, bunion, cancer, canker sore, carbuncle, chancre, chancroid, cheapen, chilblain, coarsen, cold sore,… … Moby Thesaurus
rot — Synonyms and related words: Texas fever, anthrax, aphthous fever, baloney, bighead, bilge, black quarter, blackleg, blackwater, blah, blah blah, blast, blight, blind staggers, bloody flux, bop, bosh, break down, break up, broken wind, bull,… … Moby Thesaurus
telium — noun (plural telia) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek teleios complete Date: circa 1905 a teliospore producing sorus or pustule on the host plant of a rust fungus • telial adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
uredinium — noun The reddish pustule that occurs on the leaves of a plant infected with rust fungus … Wiktionary
telium — noun A sorus, in the form of a pustule, in the tissue of plants infected with the fungus rust See Also: telial, teliospore … Wiktionary
disease — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Condition of ill health Nouns 1. disease, illness, sickness, ailment, ailing; morbidity, infirmity, ailment, indisposition; complaint, disorder, malady; functional disorder. 2. condition, affliction,… … English dictionary for students
canker — n 1. lesion, chancre, chancroid, soft chancre, simple chancre; abscess, ulcer, ulceration, noma, fester, festering, gathering, gumboil, parulis, tubercle, Obs. apostem or aposteme or apostume or aposthume, Obs. apostemation, Archaic. impostume;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder